a 26’ documentary
A portrait of Drag queen, Transgender and Buddhist politician, Vladimir Luxuria. The 40year old Italian actor and entertainer, has gone into politic. She has been campaigning and has won the elections in the Italian National Assembly as a Communist Refoundation Party MP, belonging to The Union coalition led by Romano Prodi. She was the first openly transgender member of Parliament in Europe, and the world's second openly transgender MP after New Zealander Georgina Beyer.
Unlike La Cicciolina (who later married American artist Jeff Koons) who was considered a political joke, Vladimir Luxuria is a serious activist fighting for homosexual rights, a journalist for the newspaper Liberazione, an editorialist for Radio Capital as well as a Television personality and an actress.
Fond of Shakespeare and a university graduate, Luxuria pledges the utmost professionalism and sits on the Commission for cultural affairs in the National Assembly.