TV Series
The story is set in a Northern Quebec Indian Community and in Montreal. The backdrop offers a contrast between the spectacular beauty of the northern Canadian landscape, its wide-open spaces, virgin forests, pristine rivers, extraordinary wildlife and a big metropolis like Montreal, with every possible temptation, luring young teenagers to the big city.
Some of these kids are runaways from religious orphanages where they suffered both emotional and physical abuse. Cast aside and marginalized by society, these kids come together to prey on the urban population and unsuspecting tourists.
The film tells the story of a wolf-pack of outcast teenagers, acting like hooligans and carrying "jackass" acts as they discover the urban environment of Montreal, the "big city". Their backgrounds bring them together and circumstances, abuse, drugs, alcohol, dictate their decadent behavior. They have lost touch with their traditional values and their spiritual connection to the environment.
Their path will cross a savior-like figure who will give them a new direction for their life and restore their values as he promises to take them on a trip full of adventures to “Paradise”.